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Governing Body 

Winterhill School Governance


Local Governing Body

Declarations of the Board


Members, Trustees, Local Governors and staff must act and be seen to act, impartially.  All associated parties are asked to complete and regularly review a register of business interests.  The Department for Education (DfE) strongly recommends that senior staff also register any business interests that may be relevant.  These are maintained together in a register of interests.  Declarations should include all business and pecuniary (monetary) interests such as directorships, shareholdings and other appointments of influence within a business or other organisation.  They should also include interests of related persons such as parent/carer, spouse, child, cohabitee and business partner, where influence could be exerted by that person over an associated party member.


Where a Member, Trustee, Local Governor, staff or related person has any interest, either pecuniary or non-pecuniary, in a matter to be discussed at a Governance meeting, the individual (or member of staff) must declare their interest and withdraw from that part of the meeting.

Contact us

Winterhill School

High Street
South Yorkshire
S61 2BD

 Telephone: 01709 740232


Freedom of information Contact

Dr Andrew Reeder, Head of School via


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© 2022 Winterhill School

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