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Winterhill School takes e-Safety very seriously and we have various training and systems in place to educate students on how to stay safe when using ICT.


This includes:


  • Year 7 students being educated on how to use all aspects of ICT safely from chat rooms to cyber bullying.

  • holding information sessions to the parents/carers of Year 7 students on the use of the Internet and dangers to be aware of. This training is delivered by CEOP trained police officers.

  • implementing ICT systems that keep children safe whilst using the Internet and not allowing them access to sites or material that is inappropriate.


Want to find out more?


  • Are you a student wanting to find out more about how to stay safe on the internet, or what to do if you are being cyber bullied?

  • Are you a parent wanting to see how you can keep your children safe on the internet or have unanswered questions?

  • Are you a teacher looking for resources to use to educate 5 to 16 year olds on how to use ICT safely and what to do if they feel uncomfortable or threatened?


Then visit the Think U Know website to find out all this and more.


E - Safety Resources for Parents


1. Parent Guide

2. Ipad Help

3. Ipad Touch Help

4. Play Station Help

5. Blackberry Help

6. iPhone Help

7. Nintendo Devices Help

8. Rotherham power

Contact us

Winterhill School

High Street
South Yorkshire
S61 2BD

 Telephone: 01709 740232


Freedom of information Contact

Dr Andrew Reeder, Head of School via


Useful Links 


© 2022 Winterhill School

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