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Our Curriculum

Our curriculum structure is designed and has been developed to meet the needs and the context of our pupils and to deliver the whole school Curriculum Intent which can be read below.

Our students engage in a five year learning journey designed to ensure depth, breadth and the development of knowledge which is essential to engage pupils in learning beyond their exams. However, our embedding of recall and developing students long term memory within our curriculum plans, allow all pupils to make the necessary progress which will maximise their success at GCSE and provide a strong platform for further study, employment and beyond.

Our Curriculum model ensures pupils study a broad range of subjects: to widen their knowledge; make connections and develop cultural capital; emphasise British Values and a thorough personal development education. The time allocated for all subjects is generous with each lesson being 75 minutes which we have developed to ensure students can consolidate key knowledge and complete independent work building their resilience. 


At the end of KS3, pupils select those subjects they want to study in more depth and for which they have a passion. Beyond the core curriculum offer. 

Please see below our curriculum intent statement for each subject as well as a link to our Subject Curriculum Pages (please click the button below to view these), where you can find more information on the curriculum design and implementation of each subject area at KS3 and KS4. 

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Personal Development Curriculum 

Alongside out curriculum intent, is the development of our students through careers, PSHCE, Enrichment and our bespoke tutor programme. 

At Winterhill, underpinned by our school ethos ' everyone' succeeds', we believe that our curriculum and the education we provide for our students must allow them to develop as people as set out in our personal development statement of intent. 

In order to do this, we value the importance of enrichment, the PSHCE curriculum and valuable careers advice and support as provided by our dedicated careers officer. 

Likewise, we want our students to stay safe, prioritise their mental health and well being as well as showing the attributes of being a good citizen: all of which are focussed on in our Tutor Programme and hub sessions where students discuss key topics which are impacting on them as well as topical news and issues. 

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Contact us

Winterhill School

High Street
South Yorkshire
S61 2BD

 Telephone: 01709 740232


Freedom of information Contact

Dr Andrew Reeder, Head of School via


Useful Links 


© 2022 Winterhill School

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