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Art Curriculum Intent


At the core of all CPA lessons is the opportunity to experience and to create The Arts. Every lesson in Art  is underpinned by the three Rs. We will build resilience by asking students to take creative risks whilst making art. Students are encouraged to embrace making ‘mistakes’ in the pursuit of originality and solutions to visual / creative problems. We expect that students will contribute to a safe and respectful environment, where they can build their own confidence and appreciation of the work of others while deepening their appreciation of diversity in British culture. They will learn to take responsibility for their actions and the impact they will have on their own work and on others. Students will acquire the knowledge, language and skills to be able to express their ideas creatively, whilst developing an empathy and sensitivity to other views and perspectives. We will build cultural capital and an appreciation of the visual arts through critical study of arts, crafts and design work in lessons. This will be combined with practical experimentation/application in the visual arts (with opportunities to build mastery whilst having fun) in both lessons and after school clubs. 


Intent Key Principles:

  • Give learners the opportunity to view and discuss a variety of artwork.

  • Give learners the opportunity to make art.

  • Provide learners with the skills and techniques (both classroom and ICT based) to develop their creative confidence.

  • Develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of the creative process (based on GCSE objectives) to equip them to develop and refine their imagery over increasingly sustained periods. 

  • Equip learners with the language (verbal, written and visual)to be able to confidently express their thoughts and ideas.


Why Study Art?

Art gives you the opportunity to enjoy being creative and express your individuality. During Art lessons, you will develop your visual communication skills and techniques using a wide range of media. You will also be taught how to research, develop and express your personal ideas through the study of other artists and designers.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Overview



GCSE Art Curriculum Overview













What skills will I need?

You should be creative enough to have individual ideas and yet open minded enough to be inspired by others.

You will need to be an independent learner who is resilient enough to learn through trial and error.

Year 7

  • Visual elements

  • Abstract Composition

  • Observational Drawing

  • Painting

  • Digital Art / Photoshop

  • Expressionist Portraiture

Year 8

  • Metamorphosis / Investigative drawing

  • Life drawing

  • Op Art / Exploring Pattern

  • Artist Study / Developing Painting Skills

  • 2 x Critical Study / GCSE Mini Projects

  • Developing Digital Art Skills

Year 9

  • A Series of Critical Study ‘Mini Portfolio Projects’ 

  • Students will investigate the work of various artists (eg Durer, Aboriginal Culture,Pop Art, Ben Nicholson, Kris Trappanier, Day of the Dead Festival etc) and develop visual ideas using these varied styles and approaches.

  • Full Portfolio Project (Distortion / Francis Bacon)

Portfolio Project

  • Y10 - Extended GCSE Portfolio Project
    (Surrealism / Double Image)

  • Y10 Extended GCSE Portfolio Project 
    (Personal Choice Project)
    Students develop own themes through project proposals / 1-2-1 Tutorial


Exam Project

  • Y11 - GCSE Exam Prep /Portfolio Project 
    (Mock Exam Project)
    Students Select a project theme from a past GCSE Exam Paper

  • Y11 - GCSE Exam Project 
    (Including 10hrs supervised exam)
    Students Select a project theme from newly published GCSE Exam Paper

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Winterhill School

High Street
South Yorkshire
S61 2BD

 Telephone: 01709 740232


Freedom of information Contact

Dr Andrew Reeder, Head of School via


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