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PSHCE Curriculum Intent


PSHCE at Winterhill is designed to enable all students an understanding of how to stay safe and healthy at school and beyond into adult life. 


The dedicated study of PSHCE each week allows students the opportunities to explore a range of risks they will face in their adult life and give them the tools they will need to make informed and responsible decisions on these risks. PSHCE helps students build their confidence, resilience and self-esteem through a range of written tasks, group discussion and a variety of guest speakers on subjects that build respect for a range of groups within society to ensure that everyone succeeds. PSHCE enables our students to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We provide our students with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our students are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. Themes covered include mental health, physical health, sex and relationships education, risks around smoking, alcohol and drugs, British values and careers education.

Why Study PSHCE?

Personal, Social, Health, Careers and Economic (PSHCE) education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. It helps our pupils to stay healthy and safe, while preparing them to make the most of life and work. From making responsible decisions about alcohol to succeeding in their first job, PSHCE education helps pupils to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up.


Pupils agree that PSHCE education is a vital part of their preparation for life, with 92% of those who have been taught the subject believing all young people should receive high-quality PSHCE lessons.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Overview













KS4 Curriculum Overview







































What skills will I need?

The ability to communicate well – this means listening carefully as well as being able to speak confidently about different opinions. The ability to balance an argument and see a range of viewpoints. The ability to be respectful to others, allowing other members of the group to have their say without fear of being interrupted or criticised. The ability to work well as a group. The ability to follow the Winterhill way of a resilient and responsible attitude.



Year 7

  • Mental and physical health; focus on transition to secondary school, anxiety and making new friends, healthy habits around diet and exercise. 

  • Risks: How to perform basic first aid, online safety, road safety, building the confidence to say no in pressurised situations. 

  • Sex and relationships: Changes in our bodies during puberty and how to cope with this physically and emotionally. 

  • How to deal with bullying and friendship issues.

  • Relationships: An introduction to consent, what healthy and unhealthy relationships look like.

  • Careers: Finance, communication, team work through an enterprise project. 

  • British values: Developing an understanding of cultures and traditions beyond our own. 

  • Research projects into different countries and religions that form part of the wider community in Rotherham and the UK. 

Year 8

  • Mental and physical health; focus on anger management, managing conflict with friends, anxiety and stress.

  • Risks: An introduction to the risks around the consumption of alcohol, smoking and drugs. 
    Knife crime in the UK.

  • Sex and relationships: Peer pressure and how to say no in difficult situations,
    Bullying or banter, 
    How to spot the signs of grooming

  • Relationships: Healthy relationships including conflict resolution techniques and the importance of consent. Menstrual health and wellbeing, FGM

  • Careers: Careers overview, personal skills, qualities and attributes. Basic money and finance skills.  

  • British values: Gender and sexuality including Pride month celebrations

  • Protected characteristics and the Equality Act 2010. Tolerance, racism and respect.  

Year 9

  • Mental and physical health; focus on How to spot and handle anxiety, depression, suicide warnings and other mental health disorders. 

  • Discovering how to build a healthy lifestyle that includes a good diet and the impact this has on our mental health. Understanding the benefits of exercise. Identity and bullying

  • Risks: Drug and alcohol use and misuse, including the law and society. Smoking and its dangers. Risks around energy drinks and vaping.

  • Sex and relationships: Contraception and how to use it, STI’s, pornography and sexting impact.

  • Relationships: Parenting and the family unit. Gender and sexuality, the law around equality. Homophobia and transphobia. 

  • Careers: young people’s employment rights and responsibilities, skills for enterprise and employability.
    How to manage their ‘personal brand’ online, how to identify and access support for concerns relating to life online

  • British values: Life in modern Britain and rethinking monuments around slavery.
    Prejudice, racism and multi-culturalism, racism in the UK, racism in British football

Year 10

  • Mental and physical health:

    • how to manage challenges during adolescence

    • strategies to promote mental health and emotional wellbeing including the signs of emotional or mental ill-health and how to access support and treatment

    • the portrayal of mental health in the media

    • emergency first aid skills

    • about the links between lifestyle and some cancers

    • about the importance of screening and how to perform self examination

    • about registering with and accessing doctors, sexual health clinics, opticians and other health services

    • how to manage influences and risks relating to cosmetic and aesthetic body alterations

    • blood, organ and stem cell donation

  • Risks: Crime and punishment: 

    • gangs, 

    • drug and alcohol use and misuse, including the law and society. 

    • Online gambling and trusting the media.

  • Relationships: 

    • about communities, inclusion, respect and belonging

    • about the Equality Act, diversity and values

    • about how social media may distort, mis-represent or target  information in order to influence beliefs and opinions

    • how to recognise and respond to extremism and radicalisation

  • Relationships: 

    • Sexual harassment,

    • coercive control in relationships,

    • pleasure and intimacy, 

    • gender and sexuality. 

  • Careers: 

    • Careers and skills research, 

    • further education, 

    • writing a good CV or personal statement and how to do well in a job interview. 

    • Finance skills, debt, credit and paying bills. 

  • British values: 

    • Equality and diversity in the UK – the case of Stephen Lawrence, Brexit, BLM and George Floyd. 

    • How Muslims are treated in this country and how we should tackle racism. 

Contact us

Winterhill School

High Street
South Yorkshire
S61 2BD

 Telephone: 01709 740232


Freedom of information Contact

Dr Andrew Reeder, Head of School via


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© 2022 Winterhill School

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