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Science Curriculum Intent


At winterhill our Science curriculum will promote curiosity and encourage our students to question the world around them. We will encourage them to immerse themselves in scientific investigation using practical skills and evidence to objectively view and explain phenomena.

Students will develop the skills to receive new information and objectively evaluate the source to gather the evidence needed to form a well informed opinion.

Students will grow confidence and analytical skills to join the conversation on controversial topics discussed in the media. For example climate change, vaccinations, forensic techniques and evolution.

The students will develop respect through investigation and using laboratory equipment, build resilience to gain the evidence they need to support the theory and promote the responsibility to authenticate their findings to support solid conclusions.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Overview


GCSE Curriculum Overview























Year 7

  • Electromagnets 1

  • Matter- particle model

  • Organisms - movement

  • Forces - speed

  • Reactions

  • Interdependence

  • Energy costs

  • Earth structure

  • Earth structure

  • Variation

  • Sound

Year 8

  • Separation techniques

  • Cells

  • Contact forces

  • Acids and alkali

  • Plant reproduction

  • Electromagnets

  • electromagnets

  • Universe

  • Human reproduction

  • Work

  • Periodic table

  • Breathing

Year 9

  • Evolution

  • Pressure

  • Heating and cooling

  • Matter

  • Chemical energy

  • Earth's resources

  • Digestion

  • Inheritance

  • Cells

  • Atomic structure

  • Energy

  • Transport in cells

Year 10

  • Biology

    • Transport in cells 

    • Organisation 

    • Infection and response 

    • Photosynthesis 

  • Chemistry 

    • Bonding 

    • Quantitative chemistry 

    • Chemical changes 

    • Energy changes 

  • Physics 

    • Electricity 

    • Particle model of matter 

    • Atomic structure 

Year 11

  • Biology

    • Homeostasis 

    • Inheritance

    • Ecology

  • Chemistry 

    • The rate and extent of chemical changes

    • Organic chemistry 

    • Chemical analysis 

    • Chemistry of the atmosphere 

    • Using resources

  • Physics 

    • Forces

    • Waves

    • Space 

Contact us

Winterhill School

High Street
South Yorkshire
S61 2BD

 Telephone: 01709 740232


Freedom of information Contact

Dr Andrew Reeder, Head of School via


Useful Links 


© 2022 Winterhill School

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